#GreenMyCity Program Application
The Green Cities Foundation wants to work with you to Green Your City! We can provide matching funds and/or material and labour donations to support green space renovation projects in your neighbourhood.
The Green Cities Foundation and our Partners are committed to connecting plants and people and revitalizing green areas for community members to enjoy and benefit. This is especially true in cities, where more than 80 percent of Canadians reside.
The #GreenMyCity program supports the restoration and building of green spaces, serving different populations and in different environments from parks, community gardens, sports fields, playgrounds and public open spaces.
Urban green spaces are a proven, cost-effective solution to develop greener, healthier, and more resilient cities. Vibrant communities are rooted in plants that promote health benefits for all city dwellers and help mitigate the effects of a changing climate, keeping cities livable and safe.
Project Application Guide
Looking for answers to common questions and detailed information on the application process? Check out the #GreenMyCity Project Application Guide, where you'll find everything you need to apply for our project grants.