Contribute & Support
If you're passionate about creating a greener, more sustainable future for our cities, you can contribute and support the Green Cities Foundation in many ways. Whether you're looking to donate, volunteer your time and expertise, or partner with us on a project, your support can help us make a real difference in people's lives and the environment.
Donating to the Green Cities Foundation can help us fund critical initiatives that protect and renew our natural resources and expand public green space in Canadian cities. Volunteering your time and skills can also significantly impact, whether participating in community clean-up events or sharing your knowledge to help promote sustainable living.
We also welcome partnerships with like-minded organizations and businesses who share our commitment to creating a healthier urban environment. Working together can amplify our impact and achieve even greater results.
So why wait? Explore how you can support the Green Cities Foundation below and help us create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Make an Impact. Be an Environmental Champion.
We accept donations by phone, mail, and online. We’re here to answer your questions about hosting a fundraiser, too.
For more information, or if you’d just like to talk about the Green Cities Foundation, get in touch.